When it comes to college, many students study in libraries or close-by coffee shops, isolating themselves from human contact to cram for tests. With such heavy workload, many students partake in ...
Adderall is a popularly prescribed drug used primarily to treat the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While the drug can be beneficial in this regard, in recent years a ...
If you’ve been arrested or charged with a crime in Los Angeles, DON'T PLEAD GUILTY without considering all your options. The law provides that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. That’s ...
Security and privacy is a major issue these days, especially among celebrities who face constant harassment by paparazzi. That is why a number of celebrities, empowered by social media, are fighting ...
You may have heard that police need “probable cause” to arrest you, but what does this mean? Because probable cause is often subjective, the answer is not always clear. The term probable cause comes ...
Drunk driving is a serious issue all over the United States. However, many people fail to notice that drunk driving arrests can occur at any time of day. While many alcohol-related arrests occur at ...