The legal definition of escort is a person who, for a fee or commission, reward or profit, accompanies other persons to or about social affairs, entertainment venues or places of amusement or consorts ...
What is an Escort? Most people confuse the terms Escort and Prostitute, believing they are the same. This is not the case. An Escort offers companionship or acts as a date for a fee, which can include ...
Pimping and Pandering are recognized as distinct offenses under California law. Pimping, defined in Penal Code Section 266h, involves knowingly benefiting from the earnings or proceeds of another ...
What is Considered Soliciting a Prostitute? California prostitution law, Penal Code section 647(b), makes it illegal to engage in, agree to, offer, or seek sexual services in exchange for money or ...
Most people know that prostitution is a crime in California. However, one common question we receive is, “can I get arrested and charged with a crime for simply speaking to a prostitute?” The laws ...