Accused of Child Sex Abuse in Los Angeles?

Being accused of child sexual abuse can be one of the most stressful allegations any parent, relative or person could face. Often, prosecutors may file a criminal case with little or no physical evidence and uncorroborated statements of the victim. If the case goes to trial, it may come down to a “he said, she said” case where the result will have a lot to do with who you believe. Convictions are very common especially when the victim is a child. A person with no criminal history, a good job and a stellar reputation can face 3 to 40 years or more in state prison if convicted. Even if the individual pleads guilty through a plea agreement and receives no jail time, he or she would still be required to register as a sex offender for life. Then there is potential deportation for those individuals who are convicted and are not American citizens.

False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse

Once the accusation is made the damage is done. We have seen many cases involving false allegations in Los Angeles. False accusations of child sexual abuse are more common than most people think. There are many reasons a child would make false allegations such as:

  • Bitter divorce proceedings
  • Child custody battles
  • Child or teenager acting out of control
  • Prior sexual abuse by another family member or relative
  • Drug abuse
  • Resentment by the child of a parent or guardian who enforces discipline and boundaries
  • Mental illness.

If you are being investigated for or charged with child sexual abuse, immediately consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney - before you speak to anybody, especially a government employee, such as a teacher, social worker, or police officer/detective. Most people falsely accused and who believe they are innocent will talk to a social worker or the police before speaking to an attorney. That is a BIG MISTAKE. If you have been contacted by the social worker or the police, they may have already determined there is some truth to the child sexual abuse charges. Any statements you give to the social worker or the police can be used against you in a criminal prosecution and may unintentionally confirm details of the abuse and provide sufficient evidence for an arrest.

Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers

Navigating the criminal justice system when facing child sexual abuse charges is scary and confusing. When you have Stephen G. Rodriguez & Partners in your corner, you will work with lawyers who have the skill, experience and attitude to fight your case and defend you even before a case goes to court. We will leave no stone unturned to ensure the best result for your case.

If you are being investigated or charged with child sexual abuse contact the lawyers at Stephen G. Rodriguez and Partners for a confidential consultation. (213) 481-6811

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